Dear Valued Customer,
As many of you will have seen Prime Minister Narendra Modi ordered a lockdown for India’s 1.3 billion people for 21 days as of Tuesday. As is the case in many parts of the United States such decrees are subject to a variety of interpretations.
What we know for certain, at codemantra, is that our global staff must work from home. We have been aware of and planning for this crisis for some time now. Weeks ago, we introduced new health protocols to ensure the safety and operational efficiency of our staff. Additionally, our work from home practice had been planned and executed in advance of recent government announcements in India, the U.S., and the U.K.
Contingency plans were in place some weeks ago to move hardware and shift connectivity to accommodate our 550 staff in all global locations to a work-at-home environment. We have accomplished this with broadband connectivity for 85-90% of those working from home. And we are on track to equip the last 10-15% of staff withbroadband connectivity by month-end so that we are operating at full capacity.
With VPN technology we can administer secure sign-on for staff and effectively manage security group policies. All hardware in domestic environments is locked so that no external devices can be connected. We are using all available protocols to practically manage the secure transfer of documents and data and restrict such downloads and uploads to secure and intended servers. While we have factored a reserve capacity into our Business Continuity Plan (BCP), our IT, network and HR teams are working tirelessly to secure resources should we need to scale beyond current demands.
As mentioned in a previous note, all collectionPoint (cP) platform customers should see zero disruption, as these installations are maintained in the cloud with Amazon Web Services and backed in alternate zones. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, of a force majeure nature, codemantra engineers will have access to the cP installations for any routine maintenance or servicing. Backup generators at our facility ensure the integrity of all locally stored data throughout this lockdown period. And our engineers have emergency access if required.
Please know that our senior leadership team meets daily to review the current situation and proactively manage any issues.
This team includes our Chennai leadership team, our COO and me. Such is the importance of this on-going new delivery mechanism. Our goal is to protect our employees while doing everything possible to serve and support customers with as much a “business-as-usual” experience as possible.
None of us are holding any unrealistic expectations for a quick return to normal from this pandemic. There will undoubtedly be some further challenges. But I have to say I am both delighted and particularly proud of the planning, sacrifices, and adjustments made by all employees at this company to see that our Business Continuity Plan is just that.
We know that many of you are facing similar challenges in keeping your businesses fully operational. I can assure you that this company, and its staff, are as committed to your business continuity plan as we are to ours. We wish all customers safety and good health as the world rises to meet this challenge.

Daniel Serpico
Chief Executive Officer
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