COVID-19 Update – March 13, 2020

Dear Sir/Madam,

As the world continues to mitigate the impact of the global pandemic, we wanted to share updates relating to business continuity in support of our customers. codemantra is a global operation with offices in Boston, London, and Chennai, India. In addition, we have staff working remotely on our projects from their home-offices in Italy and multiple locations within the United States and the United Kingdom.

At this time, there is no direct infection to any of our employees globally, and all units around the world are fully operational. In certain geographies, our staff are encouraged and will continue to provide support from their home-offices. A good portion of our work process can be done via “work-from-home” procedures ensuring the highest possible quality.

Should the situation drastically deteriorate, forcing a city or statewide quarantine, all our customers using collectionPoint (cP) should see zero disruption, as these installations are maintained in the cloud with Amazon Web Services and backed up in alternate zones. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, of a force majeure nature, codemantra engineers will have access to the cP installations for any routine maintenance or servicing.

In the unfortunate event of the situation infecting one of our employees, we have put in place comprehensive business continuity plans. We have the broadest possible pool of fully trained external freelancers, often used during high-growth periods, who can be leveraged in the event of significant staff absence.

For customers who leverage our content services staff in India, our facility at Chennai is fully
operational – running the customary 2½ shifts a day. We have taken precautionary measures per the Indian Government’s labor laws and the Department of Health advisories concerning the global outbreak of the COVID-19
virus. At this time, there is no significant risk to our employees and the business, given the number of knowncases of COVID-19 in the southern district of India.

Senior management does recognize that the situation could quickly change. To mitigate the possible situation,
we have taken the following steps:

  • Added a number of new protocols to our workplace to reduce the potential impact of spreading of the disease.
  • Held and continue to hold open forums to educate our workforce about this threat, preventive actions, and the available testing and treatment options.
  • Maintained regular communications with the latest information from our Human Resources department, as well as introduced a series of counseling sessions hosted by external health experts.
  • Instructed all employees to practice good health and hygiene relative to bathrooms and public areas of exposure.
  • Equipped all such areas and our open office spaces with additional liquid disinfectants and advised our employees to make use of the sanitizers frequently.
  • Instructed employees who fall sick to stay at home and are supported with sick leave.

All global travel of codemantra employees has been curtailed. Customer meetings are being conducted using online platforms, video conferencing wherever practical or otherwise postponed.

Our crisis management team has successfully managed severe cyclonic situations in the past, where our facilities were temporarily compromised.

It goes without saying that the consequences of a further escalation of the virus outbreak are difficult to predict.

We are, however, doing all we can to anticipate such circumstances and implement sensible contingency plans.

Our complete disaster recovery plan has been augmented to accommodate COVID-19 and is available on

We wish all customers safety and good health as the world tackles this pandemic outbreak.

Daniel Serpico
Chief Executive Officer